woman working at home

In-Demand Jobs in a Post-COVID-19 World

Undoubtedly, the COVID-19 pandemic has shown us unprecedented health and economic impacts all over the world. The health crisis left in its wake millions of jobless Americans and thousands of companies that have been shut down.

As several states gear up to reopen their economies, a lot of people are wondering what a new world will bring in and what jobs will feed their families.

According to the CDC, even after the lockdowns and quarantines are lifted, COVID-19 protocols and safety regulations will still be strictly observed. As far as the disease is concerned, the virus is still out there. We’re not out of the woods yet.

That being said, don’t expect things to go back to normal immediately. The workplace will change. It has to. It needs to adapt to the new normal given the present circumstances.

The safety of the workers and customers is still the priority. This is why companies are already exploring different strategies to keep their business afloat under this new season. Jobs are being modified as we go along.

While there is much uncertainty surrounding us, several opportunities — in the form of post-lockdown jobs — have also popped up. Here are a few of them:

Jobs in Technology and Software

Since almost all white-collar businesses and smaller enterprises are transitioning to the virtual world, jobs in IT will be in demand at this time. IT infrastructure consultant, software developer, cybersecurity and systems analyst, and other similar jobs will continue to be a priority for hiring and recruitment managers.

These jobs have become the backbone of a lot of companies. Those with the skills and expertise for this industry are individuals that have a higher value in the market now as people are slowly shifting to the digital platform.

Jobs in Healthcare

The healthcare industry will continue to flourish as the battle against COVID-19 rages on. Hospital workers such as registered nurses, physician assistants, and medical technologists will be needed. These healthcare jobs have already been in an upswing before the virus hit our shores and, experts say, they will continue to go up.

Demands for jobs in businesses such as pharmaceutical companies and drug stores are also expected to rise as the demand for medical supplies and equipment is not going down anytime soon.

Jobs in Fitness

Gym instructor

Since gyms and fitness clubs will remain closed due to social distancing, fitness experts and trainers have since moved on to the online realm to conduct classes and training sessions with clients.

The pandemic has created a need for online fitness coaches, especially since a lot of people have gotten used to exercising and keeping fit at home during the quarantines. Having a personal trainer coach you one-on-one online is similar to being in the gym, although this time, you only have limited access to exercise machines and equipment.

The coach’s expertise can help you work around these limitations and still give you enough material and motivation to keep fit.

Jobs within the Supply Chain

Those jobs that have helped keep store shelves stocked even during the pandemic are among those that will have a high demand even after the lockdowns have been lifted.

Logisticians, delivery truck drivers, delivery personnel, manufacturing, and other related jobs will require more manpower to help the increase in product demands once the supply chain opens up.

Remember that we are living in unprecedented times. Changes will continue to happen as we move along adapting to the realities that the pandemic brings us.

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