security concept

What is a Culture of Security and How Can You Start it In Your Business

The world of business is facing a huge problem that comes from crime. Crime is becoming more common in the United States, with property crime being the most common. A singular property crime can affect businesses in several ways.

First, there is the obvious financial cost associated with the crime. It can be property damage, inventory loss, or even higher insurance rates.

There is also the cost to employee morale. Employees who feel unsafe at work are less productive and more likely to take time off. It can then lead to a decrease in overall productivity for your business. Finally, there is the cost to your business’s reputation. If customers hear that your business has been the victim of crime, they may be less likely to do business with you.

So what can you do to combat this problem? One solution is to implement a culture of security in your workplace.

Culture of Security

Culture of security is a term that refers to the shared values, beliefs, and practices that work to deter crime. It is based on the principle that businesses can work together to make their workplaces more secure.

Having a culture of security has various benefits aside from deterring crime. It can help employees be more productive. When there is a culture of security in a business, employees feel like their safety is a priority and are more likely to be engaged in their work.

Another benefit is that it can help businesses build trust with their customers. For example, when customers see that a business has implemented a culture of security, they will be more likely to do business with them.

Implementing a culture of security can take some time, but by following these processes, you can have a culture of security in just months. Start by investing in non-invasive security systems.

CCTV camera watching employees in an office

Non-Invasive Security Systems

One of the best ways to start a culture of security is by investing in non-invasive security systems. These security systems do not require employees to change their behavior or work patterns.

An example of a non-invasive security system is an access control system. Access control systems restrict who can enter and exit a building. It helps to deter crime because it makes it more difficult for criminals to get into the workplace.

Another type of non-invasive security system is a surveillance system. There are various surveillance systems, but a CCTV camera system is the least invasive. This camera system can help deter crime by making it more difficult for criminals to commit crimes without being seen. It can also keep an eye out on employees that might have shady transactions inside your business.

In order to have a culture of security, businesses must start by investing in non-invasive security systems. These systems will help to make the workplace more secure and will also help to build trust with employees and customers.


Accountability is another crucial element of a culture of security. It refers to businesses’ responsibility to ensure that their workplace is secure.

Employee accountability is a vital part of accountability. Employees need to be aware of the security procedures in place, and they need to follow them. They also need to report any suspicious behavior to management.

Businesses also need to be accountable for the security of their workplace. They need to have procedures in place in an emergency, and they need to ensure that their employees are trained on these procedures.

When more people feel accountable for their actions, the less likely crime will occur.


Awareness is the final key element of a culture of security. It refers to the need for businesses to educate their employees on the importance of security.

Employees need to be aware of the dangers that exist and know what they can do to help prevent crime. They also need to be mindful of the security procedures in place.

Some businesses choose to have regular security training for their employees. This security training can help ensure that everyone is up-to-date on the latest security procedures. Other companies create posters or send out email reminders about security procedures. These reminders help to keep employees aware of the importance of security.

By increasing awareness, businesses can help make their workplace more secure.

A culture of security is a new way to deter crime in the workplace. You can start this kind of culture by implementing the options listed above. Each is crucial in developing a culture of security that will last for years to come. Such culture can help decrease costs coming from crime and even deter crime from happening in your organization.

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