website traffic

3 Strategies to Boost Your Online Traffic

Struggling to stand out from the crowd? Launching a website doesn’t mean it will instantly attract visitors. You’ll need to help users find your site by increasing its visibility.

But how could you do that? Here are three techniques you can leverage to increase your website’s traffic.


SEO stands for search engine optimization. It refers to the techniques that help your site rank higher in search engine results pages (SERPs) in search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo!. It works by optimizing your website’s pages, conducting keyword research, and establishing inbound links. SEO makes your website more visible to users on search engines who look for solutions similar to what your brand offers.

To convince you over the value of SEO, here are a few statistics you should note:

  • 93 percent of all online activities start with a search engine (Forbes)
  • Google receives 40 to 60 billion searches per month in the United States alone (Moz)
  • In the US, there are 236.5 million search engine users (Statista)
  • SEO marketing spending is expected to reach nearly $80 billion in the US in 2020 (Statista)
  • 14.6 percent of SEO-generated leads are converted into sales (Crazy Egg)

Most users will only look on the first page of search results after executing a query, so it’s important to increase your rankings. With the correct SEO strategy, you can achieve just that.

PPC advertising

Pay-per-click (PPC) advertising is an online advertising strategy offered by many digital marketing agencies. PPC advertisements may appear in search engine results pages. In this model, advertisers are only charged when a user clicks on their ad, hence “pay-per-click.”

Here are a few interesting stats about PPC advertising, so you can see what all the fuss is about:

  • The average yearly cost of PPC is between $108,000 and $120,000, and it returns $2 for every $1 spent (a 200 percent return of investment rate)
  • Over seven million advertisers spent a total of $10 billion in PPC advertising in 2017
  • Traffic brought through PPC ads yields 50 percent more conversions than organic advertising

Social media advertising

social media communication

Another way to up the traffic on your website is to use social media channels to promote your content. With 42 percent of the world’s population on social media, your business needs to come up with a social media strategy to get your message across your targeted audience.

Immediately after publishing a new blog post on your website, use social media to promote it. When you share it with each of your networks, you garner a certain number of clicks for each share.

Here are four social media marketing statistics you should know:

  • 42 percent or three billion of the world’s population are in social media (Statista)
  • More than a million people are creating social media accounts every single day (Hootsuite)
  • A person spends an average of two hours and 22 minutes on social networks (GlobalWebIndex)
  • 54 percent of social media users use these platforms to research products (GlobalWebIndex)

Increasing traffic to your website isn’t as difficult as it seems as long as you know which strategy is best for you. With the correct strategy, you can turn your quiet website into a buzzing hub. Start strategizing today.

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